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Physical address:
25 Maitland Close
Greenwich High Road
London SE10 8UF

Who we are and What We Deliver

We provide services for adults with:

Multiple and complex needs

Mental illness diagnoses

Personality disorder diagnoses

Learning disabilities (mild to moderate)

Substance misuse issues

Health and physical care needs

Service users under mental health sections (e.g. section 41, section 117)


What we deliver:

Person-centred care and extra care services – with a focus on recovery and independence

Tailored 24/7 support for a wide range of needs – (including mental health, physical care, and substance misuse issues)

24/7 one-to-one staff support and supervision for service users requiring additional care due to risk or needs

Step-down services for those under mental health sections (e.g. section 41, section 117)

Robust risk management and public protection, working in conjunction with multi-agency partners – e.g. the Probation Service, Community Rehabilitation Services; Social Care and Community Mental Health Teams.

Enablement and reablement to maintain customers independence and preserve their wellbeing

Comprehensive and responsive assessment and management of risks and needs

Customised and flexible Support and Care Plans

Dedicated key workers

Education, training, and employability skills interventions

A range of tailored accommodation, plus housing options for those who have limited mobility

We exist to offer an opportunity for the service users to develop a more independent and fulfilling lifestyle.

We use the principle of normalisation; we enable people to move out of institutional care and acclimatise them to everyday life in the community. 

We also aim to empower people who have been living in the community but who have found it difficult to cope through reasons of isolation, recurring symptoms, or difficulties with the practicalities of everyday life.

Out-reach, after care in move-on accommodation for clients, (where required)